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March 27, 2024

Episode 9 - Theodore Roosevelt Presidential Library

Episode 9 - Theodore Roosevelt Presidential Library

Kurt and Larry talk with the Theodore Roosevelt Presidential Library Community Relations Director, Amy McCann. 

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Talk About Teddy - Theodore Roosevelt Podcast

Kurt and Larry talk with the Theodore Roosevelt Presidential Library Community Relations Director, Amy McCann. 

TR Presidential Library CEO Ed O'Keefe previews the future site  

The Theodore Roosevelt Presidential Library loop, designed by Snøhetta, isn’t just a walkway—it’s a journey through time and terrain. History meets the horizon as you gaze upon the Badlands’ rugged beauty, which shaped Roosevelt’s legacy across the TR National Park, the Little Missouri River valley, and even his distant Elkhorn Ranch. In true Roosevelt style, you can follow adventurous paths connected to the nearby Maah Daah Hey Trail by biking, hiking, or even on horseback before or after your visit to the library.

The loop is one important aspect of the library’s features designed by Snøhetta, renowned for their work on the Library of Alexandria in Egypt, the 9/11 Memorial Museum Pavilion in New York, and the San Francisco MOMA, who created many ingenious ways for the library to integrate the land.
The loop features regenerative agriculture across the landscape in partnership with the Medora Grazing Association, reflecting Roosevelt's conservation ethos and ensuring a legacy of stewardship for generations.
Discover more about the library’s intersection of history, nature, and sustainability by visiting TRLibrary.com and signing up for their newsletter.
Listen to TRPL's Good Citizen Podcast hosted by 5th generation Theodore Roosevelt ! 
What does it mean to be a good citizen? What values motivate someone to step into the arena and make positive change? Join Ted Roosevelt V on Good Citizen and hear a new conversation with a diverse range of folks who take action to build this country up and protect our planet.


TR Presidential Library Releases Target Opening Date